14 July 2011

On our way to being beach bums

We went to the beach today!  Taking into consideration Oak does not really like the beach, and my stress level was maxed within the first five minutes, our day at the beach turned out really well.  It was Apricot's first time going, so we were not sure how she was going to react.  Once we put on her sunglasses, she did not seem to mind at all.  She did not, however, enjoy the ocean.  It may have been the coldness.  It may have been the bigness.  It may have scared her.  Probably it was all of those.  The water kept sneaking up on us, splashing her.  She screamed a bit.  It was good, though.  She took a nap for a little while.  When she woke up, she just laid on her back under the umbrella, "sunning" - just like everyone else on the beach!

After our beach adventure, we went to Auntie's house for dinner.  After dinner, Apricot proceeded to have a melt down the size of Texas because she was T.I.R.E.D. - I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-myself tired.  We left, came home, had one last meal, did the bedtime routine, and she then took fortyseveneleventy hours to fall asleep.  I don't really understand how that works.  Exhausted:  Sleep.  Nope!  Exhausted:  Roll around... jibber-jabber... blow raspberries... get into the corner...  start crying... smile like nothing is wrong... pats on the back... finally sleep.  Why.  Where is the disconnect?  I don't really mind; I just feel badly for her.

I do wish I could bottle these moments.  I feel like time is just buzzing by me so quickly, and I cannot soak up everything fast enough.  I know she is growing so quickly and these days will just be a blur soon.  I do want her to keep growing, I just feel like I am going to be missing this stage really soon.  Sooner than I even know.

Tooth update:  We now have a hillbilly in the making!  Most babies get their two bottom middle teeth first, then their two upper middle teeth next.  My baby got her two bottom middle teeth first, skipped the upper middles, and went right for the upper hillbilly-side tooth.  Really?  Now the other side is about to come through.  She probably will look like a tiny vampire.  I cannot wait until they get more visible so I can take pictures.

a little eye resting, thumb love

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