22 July 2011

Overwhelmed with choices and "screens"

I have so many things that I would like to be doing, or getting into, or creating, or reading.  I have so many emails to read or surveys to fill out to earn money.  I would like to do more organizing and straightening.  I would like to be a better wife, a better mother, a better sister, a better friend and a better manager of my time.  I HATE BEING A TIME WASTER.  Yet what do I do most of the time?  You got it:  I waste time.  The Lord cautions, like a lot, to be a good steward of one's time.  I would like to be a better steward of the time with which God has blessed me.  I would like to be a better house for God's light.

I think I might cut myself off from the Internet.  But I am so afraid.  Of what?  I am not really sure.  Maybe that I won't be able to handle it.  Which makes me think that I most DEFINITELY need to cut myself off.  But one (legitimate) excuse, or question, is then how can I look for a job?  That I am not sure about.  That aside, one thing I would have to do is that if I decide to cut myself off from the Internet, I have to cut myself off from all screens.  Because I know me.  If I do not have the computer to turn to, guess who is next in line?  That's right... Mr. Television.  My second biggest time waster.  I actually have been doing really well with not watching TV.  If I do not turn it on, I do not get sucked in.  But who has time to watch TV when they are trolling the Internet all day.

I would love to be "wasting my time" on God's Word.  Or baking.  Or playing with Apricot.  Or loving my husband.  Or chatting with friends.  Or organizing my house.  Those are so much more fulfilling "time wasters".

I feel better now.  But I am still scared.  I would need to set a time frame, like a week, or month, of no screens. I guess I am not including the cell phone as a screen.  Lucky for me I do not have an Internet phone, so no temptation there.  Maybe I could even start with something so small like a day with no screens.  I could do a day.  Now it's just committing to which one...

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