06 November 2011

Transition and faith!

Well, of course I am posting today - it has been one month since my last post!  I do not mean for so much time to pass without posting; my mind is just so jumbled right now that I cannot seem to form it into anything cohesive.  Here's to giving it a whirl today!

We are officially at the start of The Great Transition.  Oak accepted a job offer a few days ago.  Doing so means we no longer can afford our house, but we knew that going in.  Because in April, his Unemployment runs out, and we would no longer be able to afford our house!  So it was pretty much inevitable.  The position he took is about an hour and a half away from us now - back where we came from.  It is a good thing because we were wanting to move back into the area anyway.  We miss having relationships with the people we love.  Hopefully moving back will give us the freedom to do so.

But this transition...  I put in my notice at work on Thursday since Oak is supposed to start working on November 28.  If we were not moving, we may have entertained the idea of juggling both of us working, but I think we are both thankful we're not doing that.  Yes the money would be nice, but we feel like we can live within our means to not have to need both of us working.  Anyway, the transition.  We have a realtor coming tomorrow to put our house up for rent.  We are hoping to be able to rent it out since selling is kind of not an option right now given this terrible market.  In the meantime, we are working with a different realtor to find us a house closer to Oak's new work and our families.  The good news is that it is a buyer's market.  So we are *hoping* to get a fantastic deal on something.  We're looking to have land to appeal to our self-sustaining mindset.  We'll see.  I know it is ALL in God's hands.

Anyway, back to this transition.  Hopefully we can find a new house, and a renter, before we run out of money.  That would bring us to about January/February.  If we cannot find anything, but hopefully have a renter - but even if we don't, we are invited to move in with my in-laws.  It is very gracious of them to open their house to us, and I used to be pretty excited about it.  The more I think about it though, the more hassle I think it will be.  Gracious yes, convenient no.  We have a cat who is 19 years old.  She pees in places other than her litter box.  Luckily for us, most of our house is hardwood or tile.  Not the case with my in-laws.  We would have to move all of our stuff.  Again.  And, we would have to put our big stuff in storage until we found a house.  I am hoping we can downsize the crap out of our stuff, so moving things will be minimal, but still.  It's an entire four-bedroom house.  With an infant.  And a semi-hoarder who wants so badly to be a minimalist.  And one who is in denial.  We have a lot of stuff is what I mean.

It is just tough because we have a lot of things To Be Determined.  It makes it a little hard to do our daily activities.  For me anyway.
I am publishing this without even reading it back!  I have to go help Oak outside like I said I would.

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